Well, we survived Christmas and all the joy and chaos that the season entails. I am looking forward to getting our house back in order today and tomorrow and packing away all the trappings of the season for another 11 months. We had a marvelous holiday and Coleman got far too many gifts, thanks to the generosity of family and friends.
Looking toward 2008 I, the world's WORST resolution keeper, have made yet another list of things I am hoping to do. Most of these involve lifestyle changes in big ways, but they sound fun and hopefully I will be able to keep them up long enough to become actual changes instead of just a list on the fridge.
1. Watch less tv. (This may be easier since I think we are dumping cable soon.)
2. Play more games. (See previous posts.) We would like to start a neighborhood game night every other month and play games several times a week as a family.
3. Invite someone to dinner every other week. We have a wonderful neighborhood and would like to know our neighbors a little better. Since I like to cook, this should be a lot of fun.
4. Spend less money!
5. Read 100 books. (I have done this in the past.)This will have to include at least 20 classics and 30 non-fiction books. That leaves me half for "junk reading". Books on tape do count since I do that while driving.
6. Get back on track with Coleman's homeschooling. He has been begging to get started back, so I am determined to get back in the swing of things.
7. Complete Coleman's 2007 scrapbook, Family Christmas Scrapbook, keep current with 2008 and complete a special project I am working on. (In scrapbook land, Coleman is still 4 months old. I am planning to work backwards toward his infancy.)
8. Lose 40 pounds. (Sounds hard, but I managed to lose 10 in 6 weeks without starving myself to death. I am pretty sure they are all back from the Christmas snack-fest.) Losing the weight will make us more likely to have another child as well.
9. Go to the gym at LEAST 3 days a week and walk or do something active on at least 1 other day. (I am paying for the membership, might as well use it!)
10. Read through the Bible. (If I accomplish this I will have the most important book toward my 100 complete!)
So- there's my list! If you are so inclined please pray for me to be successful. We should have a happier and healthier family all around if I can keep it up.
Any New Year's Resolutions you want to share?
1 comment:
I trust the new year will be glorious for you and your family. May God richly bless you as you pursue personaly holiness and practical righteousness through the study of His Word. Blessings abound.
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