Near the top of the list of THINGS I LOVE is the twice yearly
KidsTown Consignment Sale at the Agricenter in Memphis. They have everything from Pregnancy books to Juniors Clothing- and I do mean EVERYTHING. Potty seats, playhouses, pajamas, pictures, socks,swimsuits, DVDs,dolls, dance gear, books, bedding, bikes,the list goes on forever.
I usually volunteer to work so I get to shop a little ahead of the public. This year I had the wonderful opportunity to be among the first 20 people to shop! The main benefit to that is that you have access to the big items that usually go so fast, as well as the best prices. This year I did not need any big items (like playhouses, powerwheels, bikes, etc) but it was great to get first crack at all the clothes!
The photo above contains the following items- all purchased for $124.
16 pairs of shorts:
3 Arizona
2 Old Navy
2 Gap
2 Sonoma
3 Gymboree
1 Circo
2 misc. brands
1 Levi's
14 Tee Shirts:
1 Arizona (monster truck)
1 Old Navy
3 Gap
4 Gymboree
1 John Deer- new with tags!
1 Hot Wheels
1 Class Club (monster truck)
1 Nike (soccer)
1 Carter's (soccer)
7 Polo Shirts:
2 Gap
1 Carter's
1 misc. brand
1 Gymboree-new with tags!
1 Duckhead
1 Talbot's Kids
2 Button-Up Shirts
1 Gymboree
1 Gap
3 Pairs of Shoes
1 pair brown suede converse-looking hightops with baby blue trim (for winter)
1 pair black Airwalk (crocs knockoffs)
1 pair black athletic sandals for playtime
5 Pairs of Pajamas
1 pair Carter's (soccer)
1 pair Osh Kosh (submarines)
1 pair Gymboree (sharks)
1 pair misc (space shuttle)
1 pair Star Wars with Darth Vader cape!
1 FireMan's Rain Hat- to match his raincoat.
3 Games
Hi Ho Cherrio
Clue Jr.
Wooden Xylophone
10 Books
6 books about values- self-control, acceptance, manners etc.
2 science books about God creating weather/ocean
1 Usborne book of science experiments
1 Kindergarten book of Bible Lessons
About 5 of the shirts are strictly for playing in, as well as 4 pairs of the shorts- but the rest are all in excellent shape and suitable to wear to town, parties, church or wherever.
Tonight is my night to volunteer for 5 hours, and I am sure I will be EXHAUSTED by the time it is over, but it was totally worth it to get Coleman's wardrobe on the cheap and all over with at once!
And the REAL STEAL of the night? I found it for my friend Dena. A Leapster (retail on Ebay $45) and 6 cartridges (store retail 19.99 EACH) for a grand total of $20. Yes, that's right- $20. After just buying the same stuff for Coleman's birthday for FAR more than that I could have kicked myself, but I am glad she got a great deal.
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