Okay, Eric Peters is not an artist we know personally, but falls more into the category of artists who remembers our faces, or in this case, the fact that I am an avid Frederick Buechner reader and that we had prairie dogs as pets. (At least we did when he came to our house in North Carolina for dinner with another artist we know Mark Williams.) But, Eric is such a great musician I had to include him in this group. And since this is my blog, I make the rules.
Eric started out in another little known group from Louisiana named Ridgely. They were fairly popular in the college circles in the south. We saw them play a few times, once with the guys in Dog Named David. (Also, Shane and Eric went to the same middle school and were in the same grade. They don't remember each other apparently or just missed each other by a short time.) We have since seen him play a few times around the Southeast. He's a member of the Square Peg Alliance with Andrew Peterson, Randall Goodgame, Derek Webb, Andrew Osenga, and others. He is yet another incredible songwriter and all around great musician. Be sure to check out his tunes here. My personal favorites? "The Storm", and "Metropolis" (Scarce); "Dust to Dust" (Bookmark)"; "Little By Little", "These Three Remain", "The Maginot Line" & "Waterloo" (Miracle of Forgetting); "Spare Change" (Land of the Living).
Ah! You're brining back memories...I first saw Eric not long after I first saw Dog Named David...those were the days! All of your music faves just happen to be our faves, too. Just wanted to say hello (I'm a recent lurker...I found your blog through somebody...um, kristen?) Eric Peters needs more love, especially since his little boy is almost one year old!
Oh, and if you ever get the chance to see EP or have him in your home, he and his wife Danielle make some fantastic nachos, FYI.
Also, what is up with Mark Williams these days? We miss him. He and Christina actually sent us a wedding gift five years ago-- I still use that trifle dish!
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