Well, actually it was more, "Will you marry us?"
I guess that needs some explaination.
Shane and I were a few months from our wedding date (1995) and travelled from Mobile to Jackson MS to catch Rich on his Brother's Keeper tour. We were particularly excited because not only was he touring with the entire Ragamuffin Band, but Ashley Cleveland and Carolyn Arends were opening for him.
This concert was the first time Shane ever had the opportunity to see Rich live, I think it was my 3rd or something. We got to the venue, which was 4 hours from home, only to discover Shane's glasses were at home, leaving him only his prescription sunglasses to wear the whole time. Gives another meaning to "through a glass darkly."
The concert was at an older theater, and turns out the big rig carrying the tour equipment sprang a deisel fuel leak, and the Ragamuffins et al got a police and hazmat escort to the venue.
The opening acts were great. Ashley Cleveland was just great as always with her bluesy, soulful stuff. Carolyn Arends was a newcomer on the scene, and I had already fallen in love with her songs "Seize the Day" and "What I Wouldn't Do", so was in heaven during her set. (And I ran into her in the ladies room too...)
But, the highlight of the night was still Rich's set. With Jimmy A on guitar, Mark Robertson on bass, Aaron Smith on drums it was incredible. Rich of course filled in guitar, hammered dulcimer and guitar throughout the show. Jimmy A did a couple of solo songs as well.
After the concert we hung around and chatted with all the artists and bought CDs. ("Vector" from Jimmy A; "This Train" from Mark Robertson) Also there was Bernie Sheahan who wrote for CCM (Contemporary Music Magazine) at the time, and our friend Mickey ended up in the magazine with her photo with Bernie. But back to the title of the post...
While chatting with Rich afterwards, this conversation ensued:
Shane: "Our wedding is set for December, but if you'd do it we'd love to have you officiate right now!"
Rich: "Well, I'm not ordained."
Shane: "That's alright."
Rich: "It woudn't be legal."
Shane: "Okay."
Rich: "You'd be living in sin!"
Needless to say we went the more traditional, legal, and ordained by God route a few months later.
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