(Order the above print "brainrot")
So, I have always considered myself above average when it comes to my choices for reading material- more literary than the average bear if you must. In high school, I was the one reading Jude the Obscure and enjoying it, not because it was on the reading list, but because it had the word "obscure" in the title and looked interesting. Same with "The Picture of Dorian Gray", "Wuthering Heights" and many other classics that were never required reading. Sure I read Steven King novels in there too, but I enjoyed the great works of fiction just as much if not more.
Off to college- the same pattern continued, but with less Steven King and more fantasy/science fiction material since by then Shane had already influenced my reading preferences. Still lots of classics that I thoroughly enjoyed. After college I went into the workforce and didnt have much time to read, but did enjoy reading some biographies of presidents and other somewhat educational books aloud to my residents.
Then I discovered mysteries. And forensic crime novels. And travel memoirs. And memoirs in general. Out with the classics, in with the junk (in many cases.)
This year I am on track to read 100 books- I am at 27 at this point. However, some of the books I have tried to read that have been deemed "Classics" have done NOTHING for me. Very rarely in my life have I started a book and not finished it. Something about the principal of the thing and refusing to be beaten. "Wise Blood" by Flannery O Connor- I couldn't get past the 5th chapter. Shane read it and assured me it was just like a Cohen Brothers movie without the funny, but I was not getting it. "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, while not yet a classic, I hated it as of chapter 4. Now I am doing my best to avoid "Catch-22" despite the fact I am on page 50 something and have been assured by numerous book reviews that it is one of the funniest books in the history of the world. My friend Kristen (who also recommended "Wise Blood") thoroughly enjoyed "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" which is also doing me in. That lovely volume is 900 pages- I am on 75 and dreading the next 800 plus.
I am not sure if my brain has re-wired itself to prefer the junk fiction of the day, or if I prefer to read things that travel at a quick clip so I can be on to the next book, but it has been a rude awakening for me.
So, there will be much rejoicing if I can finish the two most recent attempts. Just to break the monotony I am also reading "I Am America {and You Can Too!)" by Steven Correll. A blatant little humor may be the spoonful of sugar to make the medecine go down.
1 comment:
I recently finished the latest book written by Sharon Hinck. The three books in the series I was reading are: The Restorer, The Restorer's Son, and The Restorer's Journey. I highly recommend them; they are fun to read and well written.
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