This is the snow Friday evening, in the middle of our precipitation. We did not get a photo of the house Saturday morning with it was the deepest.

We ended up with 4 3/4 inches of snow, which is just the right amount for fun! We got up earlier than usual for a Saturday morning and had homemade cinnamon rolls
(recipe) with sausage. The rolls were really good, I just should have let them rise a little more after coming out of the fridge overnight, so they were a little flat and tougher than they should have been. I will definitely make them again though. (Maybe when I can pop them right in the oven after the last rise.) After breakfast we got all bundled up and headed outdoors because the snow was melting FAST. It was amazing how much run-off was going through the streets already, so we knew it would not last the afternoon, despite the fact the high was only going to be 37 degrees.

The snow was great for snowballs, but for some reason would not stick well enough to roll for snowmen. Coleman had a great time having "snowfights" with Mom and Dad, and after a while we went across the street to play with a friend. He was glad to have a new target for his snowballs. She is wearing a scarf I made her for Christmas and Coleman is wearing a hat and gloves she gave him for his birthday.
After he had gotten thoroughly soaking wet playing in the melting snow and water in the street, tossed a million snowballs at his friend's dad (who was right in there with it), and found out it was Soccer sign up day- we headed back toward our house. To play in our yard and try to make a snowman.
We made a family of snow angels in the front yard and another friend came outside to play. She was not too happy with the cold and wet, but did tough it out for a little while. She and Coleman built a small snowman on his picnic table, and we used a wilted carrot for his nose, grapes for his eyes and a green onion for his mouth. His arms are part of a coat hanger.

After the photo op with the snowman, Coleman destroyed him with a plastic rake, so it is a good thing we snapped these photos. Coleman had a great time petting my hat and saying "Oh, sweet kitty." I guess it is time to invest in a more traditional snow hat! This one was a Christmas gift from Shane's mom the winter I went to Scotland and it sure is warm- but probably a little formal for wearing out in the yard!

It was a good thing we spent the 2 1/2 hours outside in the early morning (we were in the house and dry by 11) because at noon all the snow was melting very quickly. We ran a couple of errands and by the time we were home at 2pm the snow was pretty much gone! It was short-lived but we are glad we got it. Now- on with Spring!
beautifull pics
What wonderful snow-day memories!
Perfect! Thanks for sharing them.
Glad you guys had fun. We are in the part of Kentucky that got the 12+ inches of snow so we too had a lot of fun. I did not go out (I don't have enough warm snow gear) but my brother took the kids out and they had a blast. The neighbors built a snow tunnel which was awesome and we had a snow drift of about 2 feet high on our deck. Now all the fun is going as the warmer weather moves on. As Jen said, On with spring.
Jen Day
What fun! Sounds like Coleman and Ian would get along pretty well; destroying their snowmen as soon as they are built!
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