Today has been a big day at the Blake household.
1) Our brand spankin' new WALMART opened about 1/2 mile from our house.
2) It is SNOWING! So far we have about 3 inches, with up to 6 expected. The way it is blowing around out there, I thing we will hit close to 6 easily. It is a really nice wet snow too, so it should be perfect for snowballs and snowmen in the morning. Coleman is VERY excited. He has been out to play in it a few times as the afternoon has gone on, and I think he will really enjoy himself tomorrow.
Since it was colder than heck today and I had a lot of stuff to do around the house, I made cinnamon rolls from scratch, and they are waiting in the fridge to go in the oven first thing in the morning. The recipe was really interesting, (it has vanilla pudding in the yeast dough) and if they are as good as they look I will post it tomorrow. They are a little time consuming, but were fun to make.
So, on the agenda tomorrow: breakfast of warm cinnamony goodness, playing in the snow and lots of family fun. Watch for more photos!
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