Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dan Heller's Photography

I want to be this guy when I grow up.

Way back in the 90's when we were shopping for a new lens for our Pentax SLR film camera (remember those... film cameras?), I did an internet search for the particular lens we were looking at purchasing, and this guy's website came up. I took a look around and decided that he was the best stinkin' photographer I had seen outside of my art appreciation classes.

I discovered that he used the lens that we were considering, and I sent him an email asking how he felt about it. Turns out, he really liked it and responded with a good email about its pros and cons. Not only talented, but also seems like a very nice guy. Taking photos is his job, so I trusted his judgement and we bought the lens. And what a job, travelling the world (often on someone else's dime) taking photos and enjoying cultures totally different from your own.

Check out his site: http://www.danheller.com

If I ever come across a boatload of money, I intend to buy a number of his prints to hang in our house, that is, until mine look as good as his.

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