Friday, September 7, 2007

Paperback Book Swap/ Swap a CD

I love to read. A LOT. However, I am cheap in a lot of respects, and would much rather pick up books for a few pennies at yard sales or use my library card. Many of the books I have wanted to read in the last few years are not available at the local library, and I refuse to pay big money for them unless they are a classic or something I want to keep a long time. That is why I love PBS.

The way it works is simple... just type in the ISBNs of books you want to get rid of. Make a wish list of books you'd like, or order them off the site if they are already available. When a book is requested from you, you simply click a couple of places, a page prints out for you to wrap up the book, you take it to the post office and pay the shipping. When the book is received, you get a credit good toward another book for yourself. It's that easy.

There is a sister site called Swap a that is a similar format but with CDs. The credits can move back and forth between the two sites, so if you are getting rid of a lot of books you can get CDs and vice versa.

So far I have had only good experiences with both sites. You get automated email reminders and it is a great way to get your hands on some things you want for CHEAP.

And that is my middle name.


mysitesrock said...

Just wanted to say that now you can trade DVDs as well with

I started using it instead of my netflix account.

Love It! Trade DVDs for FREE

Anonymous said...

I just came across your post while searching for a way to lower my book pile tower. Thanks so much for the info! I now have tried several of the swapping sites and just listed 20 books and dvds. ( also seems to be a good one.) Thanks again! -K